We couldn’t find any free function available, for this reason our Sergey built a collection of amazing JS functions for Orchid box CMS. We have decided to release it to the world so no other developer should struggle as we did.
– Strip of any non alphanumeric characters
– Space converted to _
– Not more than one _ between alphanumeric characters
– JS function can be invoked on focus, hence very fast
The function : GenerateUrl would transform :
E.g. 1
source: this is my title
result: this_is_my_title
E.g. 2
Source: This is my n.1 post, really ? Should I have written more , or less ?
Result: This_is_my_n_1_post_really_Should_I_have_written_more_or_less
E.g. 3
Source: rubbish characters : &^%&^%&%*^(**&^%”£%”££^%$&^%^& (I am not rubbish)
Result: rubbish_characters_I_am_not_rubbish
Usage example:
Happy amazing URLs !
… and if you want to know more about our amazing CMS please get in touch.